Make the most of technology
to help you communicate, plan and record your activities use MS Teams, to meet online, share calendars to organise meetings, use mindmapping tools to plan the project, use to-do lists to organise the workload and share your plan in a Microsoft 365 Word document.
An element of groupwork will be expected in most university courses. In addition, as most employers will be looking for people who can 'work with others', it is relevant to the workplace and life after university. These skills include:
The avoidance of collusion is an important aspect of Academic integrity. Collusion occurs when students work together on an individual assignment and submit the work as their own. Your groupwork brief will help you understand which aspects of the groupwork can be tackled collaboratively and which cannot.
The University has a page with information and guidance on Academic misconduct and Academic integrity, including information about collusion and good academic practice.