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OSCOLA referencing

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Author, | title | (edition, | publisher | year)


1 J Knowles, Effective Legal Research (2nd edn, Sweet & Maxwell 2009).

Repeated citation example
5 Knowles (n 1) para 4.6.

Example in bibliography
Knowles J, Effective Legal Research (2nd edn, Sweet & Maxwell 2009)



If there is more than one author insert ‘and’ before the last author’s name.

Author and author, | Title | (additional information, | edition,| publisher | year)

1 S Bailey and N Taylor, Bailey, Harris and Jones: Civil Liberties Cases, Materials, and Commentary (6th rev edn, OUP 2009).

Example in bibliography
Bailey S and Taylor N, Bailey, Harris and Jones: Civil Liberties Cases, Materials, and Commentary (6th rev edn, OUP 2009)

If there are more than three authors, give the name of the first author followed by ‘and others’

Author and others, | Title | (additional information, |edition,| publisher | year)

1 S Gardiner and others, Sports Law (3rd edn, Cavendish 2006).

Example in bibliography
Gardiner S and others, Sports Law (3rd edn, Cavendish 2006)

If there is no author, cite the editor as you would an author, adding in brackets after their name ‘(ed)’ or ‘(eds)’if there is more than one.

8 M Woodley (ed), Osborn’s Concise Law Dictionary (11th edn, Sweet & Maxwell 2009).

Example in bibliography
Woodley M (ed), Osborn’s Concise Law Dictionary (11th edn, Sweet & Maxwell 2009).


When a book contains chapters written by a number of different authors and collated by an editor, cite the author of the chapter and the chapter’s title in single quotation marks, then give the editor’s name, the book title in italics and the publication information.

>>In the Bibliography refer to the book as a whole, leaving out the individual chapter details.

chapter author, |‘chapter title’| in editor (ed), | book title | (additional information, | publisher | year)

8 T Weir ‘Tort’ in C Barnard, J O’Sullivan and G Virgo (eds), What about Law? Studying Law at University (2nd edn, Hart Publishing 2011).


Ebook that is only available electronically, your citation should end with the web address and an access date.

1 T Futurebrain, Law Online (PME Publications 2012) <> (accessed 1 July 2015).

Example in bibliography
Futurebrain T, Law Online (PME Publications 2012) <> (accessed 1 July 2015)


Cite an encyclopaedia as you would a book, but exclude the author / editor and publisher and include the edition and year of issue or reissue.

Pinpoints to volumes and paragraphs come after the publication information.

7 Halsbury’s Laws of England (5th edn, 2010) vol 45, para 25.
Leslie Green, ‘Legal Positivism’, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall edn, 2009) <> accessed 20 November 2009.

Examples in bibliography
Halsbury’s Laws of England (5th edn, 2010) 
Green L, ‘Legal Positivism’, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall edn, 2009) <> accessed 20 November 2009