Tables listing full citations for the primary sources of law, typically case law reports and primary and secondary legislation (Acts and Statutory Instruments) referred to in your assignment should appear at the very beginning of the work, on a separate page, preceding the main body of the text. Depending on the sources included, the list could be separated into sub-section for each category.
Case citations appear as in the footnote but note that case names are not italicised in a table of cases and should appear in alphabetical order of the first significant word, e.g. 3Giles v Thompson [1994] 1 AC 142 (HL).
in a footnote would become Giles v Thompson [1994] 1 AC 142 (HL)
in the Table of Cases.
>>No full stops or pinpoints are included for any source in a Table.
The bibliography should appear at the end of the main body of text and following any appendices.
Depending on the sources included, the list could be separated into sub-sections for each category (i.e., books, journal articles, websites).
There are some rules for formatting books and journal articles in a bibliography:
In a bibliography, you may find you need to list several books by the same author. These should be placed in chronological order (starting with the oldest). There is no need to repeat the author’s name. This can be replaced by a double em-dash as follows: