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Newyddiaduraeth: Dod o hyd i lyfrau

Canllaw i fyfyrwyr sy'n astudio Newyddiaduraeth, MCJ, Newyddiaduraeth Chwaraeon a Newyddiaduraeth Weledol ym Mhrifysgol De Cymru. This guide is also available in English


Mae llyfrau'n rhoi trosolwg o bwnc ac yn darparu gwybodaeth am gysyniadau a damcaniaethau craidd. Mae hyn yn eu gwneud yn fan cychwyn da ar gyfer eich aseiniadau. Rhestrir llyfrau craidd ar gyfer eich pwnc ar restr darllen eich modiwl. Os oes gennych restr darllen ar-lein ar Blackboard neu amgylchedd dysgu arall, bydd hyn yn dangos y copïau o'r llyfr sydd ar gael o'r llyfrgell i chi. Gallwch hefyd ddod o hyd i lyfrau trwy chwilio FINDit, peiriant chwilio'r Llyfrgell.

Nodau silff

Gallwch bori drwy'r casgliad gan ddefnyddio'r nodau silff isod:

070.19 Newyddiaduraeth darlledu
070.43 Newyddiaduraeth a gohebu
072 Newyddiaduraeth y DU
170 Moeseg
Y cyfryngau torfol
306 Diwylliant
778.9907 Ffotonewyddiaduraeth
791.43 Ffilm
791.44 Cynhyrchu radio
791.45 Cynhyrchu teledu
808.066006      Adrodd straeon rhyngweithiol / Ysgrifennu
808.23 Ysgrifennu sgrîn

Defnyddiwch FINDit: Chwilio / Llyfrgelloedd, i wneud chwiliadau manwl ar gyfer llyfrau unigol neu ar gyfer deunydd sy'n berthnasol i'ch testun neu bwnc.

Chwilio am lyfr?

1. I ddod o hyd i deitl llyfr penodol, nodwch deitl y llyfr neu'r awdur ym mocs chwilio FINDit a dewiswch yr opsiwn chwilio’r llyfrgell.

2. I ddod o hyd i lyfrau ar bwnc, rhowch allweddair ym mocs chwilio FINDit a dewiswch yr opsiwn chwilio’r llyfrgell.

3. Ddim yn gallu dod o hyd i'r llyfr rydych chi'n chwilio amdano? Gallwch ofyn amdano fel benthyciad rhyng-lyfrgellol neu Argymell llyfr i'ch Llyfrgellydd


Argymell llyfr

Helpwch ni i dyfu ein casgliad Llyfrgell

A oes yna lyfr a fyddai'n ychwanegiad defnyddiol i'n Llyfrgell?

  • Ydych chi wedi dod o hyd i ddarlleniad hynod ddiddorol yr hoffech ei rannu gyda myfyrwyr eraill?
  • Ydych chi'n meddwl bod angen mwy o gopïau o werslyfr pwysig?
  • Gadewch i ni weithio gyda'n gilydd i wneud i'n casgliad flodeuo

Llenwch y ffurflen ar-lein neu e-bostiwch eich llyfrgellydd.

Llyfrau defnyddiol

The ethics of photojournalism in the digital Age

Delving into the complexities of contemporary reportage, this book draws from moral philosophy and histories of photojournalism to understand the emergence of this distinct practice and discuss its evolution in a digital era. In arguing that the digitization of photography obliges us to radically challenge some of the traditional conceptions of press photography, this book addresses the historic opposition between artistic and journalistic photographs, showing and challenging how this has subtly inspired support for a forensic approach to photojournalism ethics. 

Understanding media production

Using in-depth analysis of film, TV, news and online productions, Understanding Media Production shows how media theory helps aspiring producers understand good practice in media production. They also explain the development of the production roles associated with these content forms; directors, producers, reporters, correspondents etc. The book goes on to explain how media businesses have used new technologies and production innovations to reduce costs and increase profits, resulting in dramatic changes to established production practices and roles. Understanding Media Production opens up a constructive debate between media practitioners and theorists about key questions of creativity and innovation in production.

Making media : production, practices, and professions

Making Media uncovers what it means and what it takes to make media, focusing on the lived experience of media professionals within the global media, including rich case studies of the main media industries and professions: television, journalism, social media entertainment, advertising and public relations, digital games, and music. 

The misinformation age: how false beliefs spread

In an age riven by "fake news," "alternative facts," and disputes over the validity of everything from climate change to the size of inauguration crowds, the authors argue that social factors, not individual psychology, are what’s essential to understanding the persistence of false belief and that we must know how those social forces work in order to fight misinformation effectively.

Contemporary British television drama

The early twenty-first century has seen the emergence of a new sytle of television drama in Britain that adopts the professional practices and production values of high-end American television while remaining emphatically 'British' in content and outlook. 

Changing sports journalism: practice in the age of digital media

As the funding of journalism moves centre stage as a driver in shaping the new trajectories of journalism in the digital age, this book focuses on how those working in sports journalism have had to adapt and re-invent themselves. 


Mae gan y Llyfrgell fynediad i amrywiaeth eang o e-lyfrau ar draws pob maes pwnc, mae'r rhain yn rhai y gellir eu darganfod ac yn hygyrch trwy FINDit. Teipiwch eich geiriau allweddol neu deitl yn y blwch chwilio a dewis chwilio 'Libraries.'

Nesaf, mireiniwch eich chwiliad i 'Testen Llawn Arlein' ar ochr chwith y canlyniadau chwilio.



Pan fyddwch wedi dod o hyd i lyfr yr hoffech ei ddarllen yna cliciwch ar y teitl a'i gyrchu trwy'r ddolen 'Gweld'.

Mae mwy o wybodaeth ar gael yn ein Canllaw e-lyfrau.