Deafness is not being able to hear. According to Action on Hearing Loss, at least 11 million people (roughly one in six of the UK population) have varying degrees of hearing loss. This figure is estimated to rise to 15 million by 2035.
The D/deaf population in the UK
In people over 50, at least 40% have some form of hearing loss and this rises to around 70% in adults over 70. 900,000 are classed as severe to profoundly deaf. And an estimated 24,000 use sign language as their primary language.
There are around 50,000 children in the UK with hearing loss and half that number were born with it.
About this LibGuide
This guide will provide information and links to USW library resources and further information relating to deafness and Deaf culture. There is also a local section aimed at South Wales-based D/deaf people studying and working in USW.
If you would like to recommend local resources and information relating to Deaf, deaf & hard of hearing people, please contact