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Skip to Main ContentWelcome to the guide for students and staff based in University of South Wales partner colleges and institutions.
If you are a student studying a USW qualification in another college or institution, this guide will signpost you to the extensive resources available to you from USW Library and provide information about how to access them.
Your college library will provide your essential course resources and the staff there will give you expert guidance to help you make the most of the resources available to you. As students following a USW course, you are entitled to use our online resources and to visit us in person to borrow books from any of our campus libraries. If you live or work near to one of the USW campuses, you are welcome to use the library facilities for study purposes.
If you are a member of staff in a partner college or institution who lectures or supports students studying for University of South Wales qualifications, this guide will tell you how to gain access to USW Library, provide an overview of the resources available and inform you about the guidance and assistance available to you.
For further information visit the USW Library webpage.
We have a fantastic program of events this year ranging from Library and study skills classes to author talks, database training sessions, and much more. Join us!